Contact Us
Staff Business Hours: Mon-Wed: 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Thur: 9:00 am-7:00 pm
Client Service Hours: Mon-Thur 9:00 am-12:00 pm, and Thur 5:00-7:00 pm
Address: 975 Highway 74 North, Bldg. E, Tyrone, GA 30290
Phone: 770-631-9334
Fax: 770-632-1646
Office Email: rlc@reallifecenter.org
Greg Georgianni, Executive Director: ggeorgianni@reallifecenter.org
Seth Crouch, Client Coordinator: scrouch@reallifecenter.org
Tessa Henson, Marketing and Education Coordinator: thenson@reallifecenter.org
Dixie King, Food Drive/Orchard Coordinator: dking@reallifecenter.org
Matt Lowe, Volunteer Coordinator: mlowe@reallifecenter.org
Dana McKay, Business Director: dmckay@reallifecenter.org
Jennifer Nolder, Development & Special Projects Manager: jnolder@reallifecenter.org
Pete Trebotte, Operations Manager: ptrebotte@reallifecenter.org
Chris Schumaker, Operations Driver: cschumaker@reallifecenter.org
Mark Dull, Operations Support Assistant: mdull@reallifecenter.org