Financial Donations
Our donors are the heartbeat of HOPE at the Real Life Center. It is through your generosity that we are able to help families in Fayette and Coweta counties. We are incredibly grateful for our amazing community of generous individuals, local businesses, and churches. When you choose to support the Real Life Center, you are directly responsible for giving hope and changing lives.
Make your check payable to the Real Life Center, and mail to:
Real Life Center
975 Highway 74 N.
Tyrone, GA 30290
Giving online is easy and safe. Simply click on your preferred designation button below and you will be directed to our secure donation page where you can donate using PayPal or your preferred credit card.
Please be sure to check the box asking for your mailing address so that we can acknowledge your donation and provide any required tax donation letters at year-end. We do not share your mailing address outside our organization. Click on “Write a note” if you wish to add a comment or provide the name of the person you are honoring or fundraiser you are supporting.
If you wish to set up a monthly, recurring donation, simply check that box on the next screen. You’ll need a PayPal account to create a recurring donation.
Provide financial assistance for clients, food purchases for our food pantry, or to be used “as needed.” Less than 4% of our donations are used for administrative expenses, based on our most recent audit report.
Used to purchase additional food to supplement what we receive through donations. Also used to fund special occasion food distributions during the holidays.
Provide funding to support the operation of our 3-acre farm/orchard that provides fresh fruit and vegetables to our families.
Your donation in memory of a family member, friend, or in commemoration of a special event/occasion is a great way to honor their memory while also providing important support for the Real Life Center. When donating, please add a note to your payment specifying who your donation is in memory of. Thank you. Recent Tribute gifts.
Security and Privacy Information: The Real Life Center, Inc. (“RLC”) is committed to the privacy of our sponsors and donors. We do not share donor information or provide lists to any third-party vendors or other organizations. All information is kept private within our organization, and it is limited to need-to-know employees. We may use email to communicate with you regarding donor data such as contact information or missing credit card information. We also use the contact information to render appreciation notes and year-end giving statements to you. For your security and protection, RLC does not store any credit card information. During the online payment process, your card number is passed through a secure portal where the card information is encrypted for protection. We do, however, manually enter your name, address, email address and phone number into our accounting software for the reasons mentioned above. We do not share any of your personal information with any outside third-party affiliates or vendors of RLC. If you have any questions about security measures in place, wish to review any personal information that is collected, or you wish to request updates/corrections, please contact the Business Director at RLC by calling (770) 631-9334 x204, or emailing us at rlc@reallifecenter.org.