The Real Life Center offers two programs to permanent residents of Coweta and Fayette County who are seeking assistance.
Our Introductory Program is designed to assist with basic, everyday needs.
Resources available in this program are:
- Market. Bread, fresh produce, perishable foods (based on availability).
- Financial Counseling.
- Educational Classes. Click here for more information.
- Resume Assistance.
- Network & Referral. Resources within the community for instances where the Real Life Center is unable to assist.
- Senior Programs. Seniors age 60 and older. Click here for more information.
- Mobile Food Pantry. Click here for more information.
Visit the center no later than 30 minutes prior to closing (no appointment necessary). Please bring the following documentation:
- Driver’s license or other ID in the same name as other documents (not maiden or ex-married name).
- Current proof of residency (lease, utility bill, property tax statement, Social Security letter, or vehicle registration).
In addition to the services provided in the Introductory Program, our Full Program includes the following additional services.
- Pantry. Monthly access to non-perishable food items, paper goods, and personal care items.
- Clothing Closet.Periodic access to clothing, shoes, and seasonal items that are either new or gently used.
- Financial Assistance. Consideration for limited financial assistance for needs such as rent, mortgage, or utilities, based on approval.
- Goal Setting. Receive help with setting and achieving goals.
How to Enroll in the FULL PROGRAM
Schedule an appointment with one of our counselors by visiting the center during normal business hours and filling out a Full Program Assessment Form.
You will need the following documents (All documents must be in your current name):
- Driver’s license or other photo ID.
- Current proof of residency (lease, utility bill, property tax statement, Social Security letter, or vehicle registration).
If requesting financial assistance, you will need to bring the following additional documents:
- Utility bill (if requesting utility assistance).
- Statement of balance due from your landlord or lien holder.
- If your landlord is not incorporated (private owner, not a legal business), you must bring his/her W-9 form.
- In order to receive rental assistance, your landlord must own the property you are renting (as verified by county tax records), AND you must have lived there for at least three months.
- Financial assistance from the Real Life Center is not guaranteed.
- In the event your request for financial assistance is denied, you may still be eligible for other Real Life Center programs and services.